Get Well Flowers Delivery in Newport, DE

Welcome to our flower shop in Newport! We are proud to offer a wide selection of beautiful flowers that will brighten up any home or event. Our expert florists carefully select only the freshest blooms to create stunning arrangements that are sure to impress.

Whether you're in need of a romantic bouquet for a special occasion or simply want to add a pop of color to your living space, we have something for you. Our selection includes classic blooms like roses and lilies, as well as unique options like succulents and orchids.

Looking for a centerpiece for your next event? Our floral designers can create stunning arrangements that will leave your guests in awe. From tall arrangements with elegant gladiolus to low and lush centerpieces featuring hydrangeas and peonies, we can do it all.

Showing 115 of 50 results

Happiness Happiness


Happiness Happiness

Happiness is just a few flowers away! Brighten the day of your loved ones with fresh, colorful roses from our collection.

Sunkissed Yellow Sunkissed Yellow
Sunkissed Yellow

Introducing Sunkissed Yellow, the bouquet that brings a little extra sunshine to any occasion. With its vibrant, lemon-yellow hues, these stunning flowers are sure to spread joy and happiness to anyone who receives them.

The Cute and Cheerful Balloon Arrangement The Cute and Cheerful Balloon Arrangement
The Cute and Cheerful Balloon Arrangement

Looking for a gift that will make your loved one's heart flutter with joy? Look no further than The Cute and Cheerful Balloon Arrangement!

Brilliant Blooms Brilliant Blooms
Brilliant Blooms

Indulge in the beauty of nature with Brilliant Blooms, the perfect floral arrangement for surprising someone special. Handpicked by our expert florists, each velvety rose and fresh flower tells a story of love, devotion and passion.

Loving Harmony Loving Harmony
Loving Harmony

Introducing Loving Harmony, the perfect bouquet for adding a touch of elegance and grace to any setting. Bursting with fresh, vibrant flowers in shades of reds and pinks, this stunning arrangement is guaranteed to steal the show.

Nostalgia in a Glass Nostalgia in a Glass
Nostalgia in a Glass

Nostalgia in a Glass is not just a regular bouquet of roses. It's a unique, luxurious way to show your loved ones how special they are to you.

Renewal Renewal


Renewal Renewal

Introducing Renewal, the perfect gift to celebrate the arrival of spring in the most beautiful way – with a fresh bouquet of flowers! Nothing says "I care" like a bouquet of vibrant blossoms, elegantly arranged for a loved one to mark a special occasion or just to brighten their day.

Lemony Snicket Lemony Snicket
Lemony Snicket

Looking for a way to show your loved ones how much you care? Give them the gift of Lemony Snicket – our bright and beautiful collection of hand-picked roses and flowers that are guaranteed to impress.

Colorful Harmony Colorful Harmony
Colorful Harmony

Are you looking to make your event a memorable one? Make your event unforgettable with Colorful Harmony!

Fragrant Blooms Basket & Bear Fragrant Blooms Basket & Bear
Fragrant Blooms Basket & Bear

Spring is in full bloom, and you can make it even more special for your loved ones with the Fragrant Blooms Basket & Bear. This exquisite basket is designed with beautiful roses in various shades of soft pinks.

A Touch of Class A Touch of Class
A Touch of Class

Are you looking for the perfect gift to express your love and admiration for someone special? Look no further than A Touch of Class!

Perfectly Pink Bouquet Perfectly Pink Bouquet
Perfectly Pink Bouquet

Introducing our Perfectly Pink Bouquet, the ultimate gift for that special someone in your life. Indulge them with a luxurious array of hot pink and invigorating green blossoms, hand-picked and arranged with love to bring a smile to their face.

Sun of a New Day Sun of a New Day
Sun of a New Day

Get your hands on the Sun of a New Day bouquet and make your mornings brighter than ever before. The perfect way to start your day, this bouquet of fresh-cut roses is sure to put a smile on your face.

The Heart Garden The Heart Garden
The Heart Garden

Introducing The Heart Garden - the perfect way to bring the beauty of the garden into your home! This collection of lush plants and flowers is the perfect way to add a touch of luxury to any space.

Beauty in Bloom Beauty in Bloom
Beauty in Bloom

Introducing Beauty in Bloom, the perfect way to add a touch of elegance to any special occasion. Our breathtaking roses and flowers are the epitome of sophistication, and are sure to make any gathering all the more beautiful.

Adam Fox

Adam Fox

I ordered a bunch of lilies for my mom as a birthday present. The flowers arrived quickly and were still completely fresh. They were carefully packaged and the colors were so vibrant. I am very satisfied with the flowers and the service from the online flower shop.

Katherine Case

Katherine Case

My friend simply adored the gardenias bouquet we ordered from this shop. The flowers were extremely fresh and we loved the fact that we got it at an affordable price.

Brady Bailey

Brady Bailey

We gifted our grandmother a unique combination of flowers and she was very pleased with the selection. The bouquet was composed of a beautiful mix of tulips, chrysanthemums, and lilies. Delighted customer!

Thomas Dalton

Thomas Dalton

 A lovely bouquet of pink roses and white daises from this online flower shop is what I got for my sister s birthday. Seeing her face when she opened the package was priceless. The flowers brightened up the room and stayed fresh for a very long time! Will definitely order from here again.

Richard Lewis

Richard Lewis

My daughter was delighted with the beautiful bouquet of fresh roses we got for her birthday from the online flower shop. The scent and colors were amazing and delivery was very fast. Thanks for making her day!

We do not charge for delivery.
In the unlikely event this happens be assured Flower Delivery will do our best to make you happy. We will pick up and redeliver another arrangement if you notify us within 2 days of receiving the flowers. Since most of our products are perishable goods, we do not accept returns and we typically do not issue refunds as there is a 50% restocking fee. However, our caring and experienced staff will ensure your satisfaction to the best of our ability. If the recipient keeps the flowers delivered and we are not asked to pick up and redeliver another arrangement we will not issue a refund.
We are very sorry to hear that you did not receive what you ordered. We will work with our preferred florist to see what happened, and will work on resolving that by having a replacement arrangement sent out if necessary. If the arrangement was similar to what they ordered but some flowers were substituted, our substitution policy states that in order to deliver the order on time we must substitute similar flowers in some cases, keeping the overall look and value of the original item.
Substitution Policy We are committed to delivering your important emotional sentiments on time and as fresh and beautiful as possible. Because of the nature, seasonality, and regional availability of flowers and plants, it is sometimes necessary to make substitutions of equal or greater value. We will make every effort to maintain the "look and feel" of the arrangement by considering the overall shape, size, style, and color combinations. In single-variety arrangements the variety will take precedence over color. White roses and cream roses may be substituted for each other as well as peach roses and pink roses. Purple and pink orchids may need to be substituted for white orchids and visa versa. Substitutions for Special Occasions Due to the importance of delivering orders for special occasions, such as funerals, birthdays, and anniversaries, on specific days, we may make a substitution of equal or greater value to ensure timely delivery, if the flowers you requested are not available, and we are not able to contact you via the phone number(s) or email address you provided us.
Get Well Flowers will be happy to assist you with a change to your order. Unfortunately, if the order has already shipped or is en route for delivery, we cannot accommodate the change request. Please call 888.463.8573 during business hours (9am-8pm EST Mon-Fri and 9am-6pm EST Sat-Sun) to speak with a floral specialist who will be happy to assist you. To expedite your call, please have your order number available when speaking with a member of our team. The order number can be found on your email receipt (if applicable) or would have been provided by the floral specialist when placing your order by phone. You can also email us at Please include your order number in your email.
Get Well Flowers will be happy to assist you with a request to cancel your order. Unfortunately, if the order has already shipped or is en route for delivery, we cannot accommodate the cancellation request. Please call 888.463.8573 during business hours (9am-8pm EST Mon-Fri and 9am-6pm EST Sat-Sun) to speak with a floral specialist who will be happy to assist you. To expedite your call, please have your order number available when speaking with a member of our team. The order number can be found on your email receipt (if applicable) or would have been provided by the floral specialist when placing your order by phone. You can also email us at Please include your order number in your email.
Call Us 888.463.8573